Gateway To The Chippewa National Forest

Deer River, Minnesota
04/25/22 - Council Minutes
I. Call to order 6:00 P.M.
II. Present - Mayor Steve Geving, council members Pat Richards, Barb Serfling, Dan Graf, and Sharon Geving. Also, present City Administrator Mark Box and Police Chief Brian Castellano. CEDA representative Henry Hellman attended via Zoom Meeting.
III. Pledge and Prayer
IV. Minutes - After discussion, motion by Pat, second by Sharon to approve the April 11th regular meeting minutes as amended. MCU. Motion by Pat, second by Barb, to approve the March 12th working session meeting minutes as amended. MCU.
V. Bills - After discussion, motion by Pat, second by Dan to approve payroll, the bills for $227,445.36, and inter-fund loans to cover negative fund balances. MCU
VI. Attorney - Andy was not present.
VII. Fire - No report.
VIII. Police - Brian reported that the calls for the month were down 22 calls from last year.
The department was involved in a multi-agency drug task force search warrant. One was arrested, and the children were taken from the home. A felony amount of methamphetamine was found.
Officer Cody Ploetz has started his training. Last week, he worked with Brian and will be working with Officer Perry this week.
Brian has talked with Attorney John Dimich about dismissing cases without talking to the arresting officer.
Brian has been in contact with several residents about blight on their property. He said people are getting things cleaned up, and he will continue working on the problem areas.
The pet clinic was well attended with 75 vehicles. There were 97 dogs and 12 cats who were seen by the vet.
Motion by Dan, second by Barb to accept the police report. MCU.
IX. Administration - Mark reminded the Council of the board of equalization meeting on Wednesday at 9:30.
Mark is working with building inspector Murray Ward to see if Murray can take on an apprentice. There is a shortage of inspectors statewide, and it would be good to get someone in place before Murray decides to retire.
Mark is working on another section of trail. This section will go from downtown west to Hwy 46. If the grant request is successful, it will be 100% paid for by the State. Mark is trying to incorporate street lighting into this project as well.
There will be a preconstruction meeting next Tuesday at 11:00 at city hall.
Dan asked if there was an increase in people picking up their pet tags after the vet clinic. Mark shared that one person came in.
Mayor Geving asked Mark to remember to look into the Triple-A safety grant in June. This grant would be used to purchase digital speed zone signs. Motion by Pat, second by Sharon to approve the Administrators report. MCU.
XIII. Other - None
XIII. Adjournment - Motion by Sharon, second by Pat to adjourn. MCU. Meeting adjourned at 6:28 PM.
Respectfully submitted by, Mark Box, City Administrator.
Approved by the City Council at the regular meeting on May 9th, and signed by Mayor Geving.