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Deer River, Minnesota

02/14/22 - Council Minutes



I. Call to order at 6:00 PM.


II. Present - Mayor Steve Geving, council members Barb Serfling, Sharon Geving, and Dan Graf. Pat Richards was absent. Also, present City Administrator Mark Box and Public Works Foreman Rick Rogich. Nobody attended via Zoom Meeting.


III. Pledge and Prayer


IV. Minutes - After discussion, Dan motion, second by Barb, to approve the regular meeting minutes as amended. MCU Motion by Dan second by Barb to support the working session meeting minutes as written.


V. Bills - Motion by Dan, second by Barb, to approve the bills for $288,572.55 and allow intern-fund loans to cover any negative fund balances. MCU.

Public Works

VI. Public Works - Report Rick received the agreement from the county for contracted services. Rick will review it and bring it back to his next meeting. The agreement will be for grading and dust control application. Rick gave a preliminary estimate of $700.00 per year.


Repairs to the 2009 pickup are completed. The parts for this repair were ordered last fall and didn’t arrive until late December.


Repairs were needed to the Snow Dog snowplow. The approximate cost will be $2,100.00.


Rick asked to hire another rink attendant. Motion by Dan, second by Barb to hire Ethan Wicklund as a rink attendant. MCU


The annual sweeper and skid loader maintenance were completed.


There have been reports of dirty water in different locations in the city. Rick is asking the residents to report as soon as the problem starts. He has been flushing hydrants in different areas to eliminate the problem.


The crane truck had to go in for service. Minor repairs were completed.


The 2022 south infrastructure bid opening will be on Thursday, February 17.


Rick will schedule a day to take down the winter season decorations soon.


Motion by Dan, second by Barb to approve the public works report. MCU.


VII. Administrator - Report First Call for help has requested a donation. Mark said this is an annual request. After discussion and recognizing that this is an excellent service, but felt that taxpayer's money should not be used to fund a nonprofit agency.


Motion by Dan, second by Barb to approve resolution 2022-01, a resolution to agree that any new development will include being connected to the safe routes to school path /sidewalk system. MCU.


Motion by Dan, second by Barb to approve resolution 2022-02, a resolution adding Sharon Geving as a signer at the Northview Bank and removing Chris Reed for all accounts. MCU.


Motion by Dan, second by Barb to approve resolution 2022-03, a resolution supporting housing and local decision-making authority. MCU


Administrator Report First Call for help has requested a donation. Mark said this is an annual request. After discussion and recognizing that this is an excellent service, but felt that taxpayer's money should not be used to fund a nonprofit agency.


VIII. Others - None


IX. Adjournment - Motion by Dan, second by Sharon to adjourn. MCU. Meeting adjourned at 7:02 PM.


Respectfully submitted by Mark Box, City Administrator.



Approved by the City Council at the regular meeting on February 28th, and signed by Mayor Geving.


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